Thursday, July 31, 2008

"I have a feelin'..."

Christina decided that it was time for dinner. She strolled into the kitchen to prepare a feast of epic proportion.

"Brian!!!", she announced as if I was mowing the lawn in gale force winds with my ipod volume on 'deafening'... "Make sure you watch Ethan for a second!!!!!"

"Sure", I mumbled.

I decided it was a great time to catch up on some work. I lumbered over to my trusty Gateway and fired it up.

"No time like the present to get caught up, right?", I thought.

Slaving in front of a hot oven, Christina inserted a cookie sheet chalked full of freshly selected Grade A corn dogs. She closed the oven door, gathered all of the plastic and the empty cardboard box and headed for the garbage can. As she went to throw everything away, she felt a strange sensation... almost like someone was watching her from a distance. After she threw the garbage away, she heard an eerie scratching sound coming from behind the fridge on the wall.

"What the..."

She looked down to see Ethan peering around the corner smiling ear to ear. Needless to say, Christina thought it was precious... after she made it quite clear that I was worthless.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Over the Hill and Through the Woods...

To Grandma's house we go! Ethan received a treat this weekend. While his parents stayed at home to slave in the Tennessee sun, Ethan spent a couple of quality days with his grandparents. From what Mom told me, he traveled well, ate well, and went to bed early (none of which he does when he is home). And of course, he smiled the whole time.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

Here it is... another year down, another step closer to sleeping in separate beds! I am not sure how you kept from killing each other or calling it quits, but you are definitely an inspiration to me.

A New Home

As most of you already know, in early 2008 the Memphis Geibel's decided it was a great time to move. You know, with the housing market being so great and all. We were a hair unprepared to deal with all of the physical "things" that came with a kid, so space was becoming an issue. Not only this, but just walking around the house were daily reminders of how much cash we sank in it. We decided to take a chance...

About 3 months and a divorce later, 'POOF', we sold our house. It was time to look for another one. Christina found a house in Germantown that needed a lot of work, but had potential (damn HGTV!) Before I knew it, I was signing my life away once again. Here are a few pictures of the outside. I hope you enjoy.

Click here for more pictures our new house.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Mobile... Sort of anyway.

Just one week after he can sit up on his own... this happens.

Bottom-line, Elizabeth lied. Fact... read her blog. She talks about the time where Megan was able to sit up on her own and she loved it. It was the beginning of a whole month where you can sit her down and not worry. A time where a kid would just sit there and play. Lies! ALL LIES!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

If You Sit It, It Will Stay.

Ah yes... my sister spoke of days like this. The days in which you can place a child in the middle of the floor, give it a couple of toys, and they would sit for hours and entertain themselves. It's official, he's a sitter.

The First Embarassing Moment in Public

After a long day at the office, Christina and I decided it was worth our while to head out to Corky's BBQ for dinner. The thought of polishing off a 6 pound plate of BBQ nachos seem to put a little extra spring in my step (or maybe it was the beans!). So promptly at 5pm, I picked up a MonkeyButt from daycare and met the wife at the restaurant.

Dinner seemed normal. Within 5 minutes I completely chapped Christina, and Ethan started to get fussy. However, little did we know, we had a little Tarzan on our hands. Instead of whining, he started squealing and howling at the top of his lungs... AND FOR A LONG TIME. Everyone stopped what they were doing, and peered over their shoulders. We could not for the life of us get him to stop. Not a bottle, not a toy... no distraction would keep him from squealing. "Damn parents. Why can't they control their kid?" was the only thing that came to mind. Christina and I could only laugh.

I'm sure this won't be the last time our public life will be shattered. Let's just hope we can laugh it off in the future.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Well, with nagging from the wife and mom, I finally got this site going. Not to mention, how can I let my sister outshine me, huh (I even stole her template, hah!). Anyway, I plan on updating this at least once a week, probably on Sunday nights. Make sure you add this to your favorites and check in at the beginning of each week. Not only will you probably laugh a little, but you'll realize how great your life is compared to ours. It will make your Monday's feel a whole lot better.