Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Guess I'm Sleeping In The Guest Room

Enough said....

Time To Make The Donuts

Christina and I found out that Dunkin' Donuts opened up shop in Memphis. Pleased, real pleased! So, on the morning of our 6 year wedding anniversary, I ran out to get a couple of coffee's and a box of munchkins (donut holes to you southerners). It didn't occur to us that Ethan had never eaten a donut before. Not surprisingly, he killed a six pack of munchkins within seconds.

How Time Flies

One Saturday morning, I got Ethan out of the crib, changed his diaper, and let him loose. I proceeded to walked into the living room and turned on the TV, then I headed into the kitchen to started some coffee. On my way back through the living room, I watched Ethan emerge from the hallway... eyes halfway open and rockin' a yawn, walk over to the chair and climb up like he's done it a million times. Within seconds, he propped himself up and was watching TV. The part that makes this so amazing: I HAVE NEVER SEEN HIM CLIMB A CHAIR BEFORE IN MY LIFE!

It's amazing how quickly they learn.