Thursday, July 31, 2008

"I have a feelin'..."

Christina decided that it was time for dinner. She strolled into the kitchen to prepare a feast of epic proportion.

"Brian!!!", she announced as if I was mowing the lawn in gale force winds with my ipod volume on 'deafening'... "Make sure you watch Ethan for a second!!!!!"

"Sure", I mumbled.

I decided it was a great time to catch up on some work. I lumbered over to my trusty Gateway and fired it up.

"No time like the present to get caught up, right?", I thought.

Slaving in front of a hot oven, Christina inserted a cookie sheet chalked full of freshly selected Grade A corn dogs. She closed the oven door, gathered all of the plastic and the empty cardboard box and headed for the garbage can. As she went to throw everything away, she felt a strange sensation... almost like someone was watching her from a distance. After she threw the garbage away, she heard an eerie scratching sound coming from behind the fridge on the wall.

"What the..."

She looked down to see Ethan peering around the corner smiling ear to ear. Needless to say, Christina thought it was precious... after she made it quite clear that I was worthless.


Anonymous said...

Creepy feeling of the best precious is that face!!

Dirtdartwife said...

BWAHAHAHA! Happens here ALL the time! As long as they're not playing in the toilet or pulling something over, all is well with the world. What an adorable, cute face peeking around that corner!

Elizabeth said...

Aww! He's so cute. Alhtough, it's time to upgrade your parential mellon to include those eyes-on-back-of-head feature.