Monday, July 28, 2008

Over the Hill and Through the Woods...

To Grandma's house we go! Ethan received a treat this weekend. While his parents stayed at home to slave in the Tennessee sun, Ethan spent a couple of quality days with his grandparents. From what Mom told me, he traveled well, ate well, and went to bed early (none of which he does when he is home). And of course, he smiled the whole time.


Elizabeth said...

He's so darn smiley! I'll bet he had a great weekend at Grandma's... even though in 15 years he may not appreciate the bathtub pics (ha ha).

I hope you took advantage of the kid-free weekend and at least went out to dinner!!!

Eileen said...

Great pictures. It was like a movie show. What a cute baby.
And I like Grandma in her long hair. Very cute...

Sherri said...

He is so cute!! I think grandma got a little camera happy!! But that's ok because he's a little ham!!

Dirtdartwife said...

What an ADORABLE baby! That smile is infectious! He looks like a snuggable baby. :)

Ryan Cunningham said...

I am starting to think that the Grandparents take on their time alone with our kids is slightly suspect. That is word for word the same feedback we get when Will stays with them. Something seems fishy. :)