Monday, September 22, 2008

Rockin' New Sneaks!

Ethan had started to explore his bipedal tendencies this weekend, so Christina and I decided it was time to get him his first pair of walking shoes.  We packed him up in the Ford Explorer El Camino and took a ride to Stride Rite.  

The only word I can say is ridiculous.  44 bucks for a pair of walking shoes!?  Are you kidding me here!?  These shoes are the size of large chicken eggs for crying out loud.  I have shoes in my closet that don't cost that much, and I wear size 13!  You can make 147 pair of his shoes out of one pair of mine, and still have enough material to make Ethan a t-shirt that reads, "My parents are dumb asses for buying me these shoes."  Anyway, I digress.

During this shopping experience, I tried to be rational... explaining to Christina that human beings have been learning to walk without footwear for about 2 million years now.  Considering we WALKED out of Africa to populate just about every continent, I'd say as a species we have mastered it.  Not to mention, why impede evolution?  Ethan's genes may hold the next big step in human mobility.  Why risk this for 44 bucks?  I also explained that about 85% of kids in the world today do not get a pair of shoes until they are at least in grade school, at the earliest.  "Shouldn't we teach our son that he is not better than anyone else?", I said.  The only response I got was a "hold my purse" while Christina thumbed through her wallet for our BoA debit card.   

Christina 1
Geibel 0

Oh hell, I have to admit, they are pimp.  At least he likes to show them off.  

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Walking Tall

I can't explain how many baby showers Christina had.  If she had 1, she had 10.  During the "family" baby shower, one of the first presents we opened was a Radio Flyer walker from my Grandma Geibel.  Sure it was cool... what kid doesn't remember having a wagon, but we had no clue what to do with this walker.  Soon after everyone left, I decided to restore some of my manhood (3 hours of baby gifts and emotional women will do this to you) and put the Flyer together.  I put it in Ethan's room and it quickly become a storage bin for his stuffed animals.

Yesterday Christina was cleaning Ethan's room and peered over and saw the animal covered Radio Flyer.  She noticed the handle and wondered was it was used for... and then it clicked.  Ever since, Ethan has been a man on the move.

Who had a better vacation?!

While his mom was becoming irrational due to hurricane Ike, and Dad had to pretty much take a weeks worth of horse laxative to push through an ungodly amount of endless cruise line buffet, Ethan spend a week at Grandma and Grandpa Geibel's house.  Based on these pictures, he had a MUCH better time.  As Bill Cosby used to say, "These aren't the same people I remember".

As a side note, I can't get over how much Ethan looks like Great Grandma Geibel.  Cracks me up!

Click here to see more pictures.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Three Hour Tour

Well, not really...  but we will be leaving on a boat for a good time! That's right, Christina and I along with a handful of friends (Michelle, Cody and Sherri) are traveling through the maze of hurricanes to Mexico for a five day cruise. Technically, it's our 5th year wedding anniversary. Last year we promised each other that we would get away and do something. I quickly booked this cruise so we would not change our minds. All of a sudden we looked at the calender and couldn't believe it was just around the corner. We can't wait, although Christina is starting to have separation issues with Ethan. It's to be expected.

Anyway, start looking for those pictures!

A Fairly Good Time

One of the neat things about living in Germantown, Tennesse is the annual Germantown fair.  Good times and good food, you just can't beat it.  This weekend with the weather in the low 80's, it was perfect.  As you can see below, Ethan was overwhelmed with excitement.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can...

Once again, my sister told me it would happen. Last night before I rolled into bed for my customary 4.5 hour slumber, I checked on Ethan to make sure all was well. As I peered over the crib, I noticed his butt was about 6 inches in the air. Good times! Not sure how comfortable this position can possibly be, but he was snoring like a 400 pound man with a serious case of Asthma. More power to ya, young man... more power to ya.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Grassy Knoll

Was there a second gunman up on the grassy knoll? God knows, but Ethan did experience his first venture on the grass. He really didn't know what to do. He felt around for a while just sitting in the same spot looking confused. Mom and Dad got a little concerned when the mosquitoes came out. Down South they are known to drain a medium sized dog in seconds. Ethan wouldn't stand a chance.