Friday, October 24, 2008

Another Quality HGTV Moment

I should have known... that is all I'm going to say.  I should have known.

Since April 10th, we have virtually done zero to our new house.  Sure, we put in a few lights, tossed some mulch around, even cut down a few trees, however, nothing substantial has been altered.  As my wife keeps reminding me "we have done nothing to make this house our own."   

Let the fun begin...

Ethan's birthday is almost 1 month away.  Apparently in the female handbook of child rearing, all things must be perfect in order to celebrate this once in a lifetime occasion.  This is especially true in the chapter, "Your Worthless Husband and Upgrading Your Child's Bedroom."  Rule number 1 states: A toddlers bedroom must be in tip top shape and have a theme completed BEFORE their first birthday.

It was quite obvious I was negligent of this book.  The first sign I noticed was when my wife raged for 2 weeks on how we needed to get ready for Ethan's birthday.  Then the frequent trips to Lowes ensued.  Finally, the unsolicited questions regarding colors and knick-knacks I liked for a boy's room.  Then I made two fatal mistakes:

1. I didn't share the same sense of urgency.  
2. I tried to be financially reasonable about it.  

Needless to say, the second was the most costly (in more ways than one).  Big mistake... Big.

Well, this weekend was the start of getting his room ready for November 30th.  We'll keep you posted on the progress, and the status of our marriage.

1 comment:

Dirtdartwife said...

she didn't prep the battlefield properly... allkeehall...THEN hit the hubby up. Can't wait to see the completed pics!!