Presents!? You got to be kidding me... What is going on?! I don't remember eating a large bird smothered in gravy being accompaned by 9 hearty side items? I don't remember feeling gross, posted up on my couch whinning about how bad I feel. I don't remember spending quality time with my in-laws? Wait... scratch that, maybe Christmas did come early.
This Sunday I FINALLY replaced the base boards in Ethan's room. Christina decided to have Sherri over to help watch Ethan. For a while, I didn't hear anything. All of the sudden I started to hear Grinch music and the rustle of paper coming from the family room. What the....!?
This is what I found. How sad. I blame WalMart for moving Christmas up 3 weeks to November 1st. I guess as a country we have nothing to be thankful for, right... How sad. I for one do. Ethan's birthday is less than a week away.