Sunday, November 30, 2008

Look Mom... No Hands!

Not a whole lot to say about this technique other than I'm jealous.  It reminds me of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

1st Birthday, Part II

Today was his true birthday.  It started with a stack of his favorite flapjacks made by Mom herself.  Then, it was to a ride in his car seat, facing forward.  That afternoon was a fun filled family shin-dig with a jumbo sighting of Curious George (thanks Aunt Susie!).  Finally, it ended with a sad young man passed out in his high chair as he tried to eat dinner.  Overall it was a great day.  He better not get use to this.

1st Birthday, Part I

Ethan had a treat on his birthday weekend.  On Saturday, my sister and her family were traveling from Texas back to their NC home and stopped in Jackson TN to see everyone.  So we threw Ethan in the back seat and headed up for a late Thanksgiving and an early birthday celebration.  It was a blast.  He was able to play with his Cunningham cousins for the first time.  We were concerned if Ethan was going to play nice, but he did a heck of a job.  Also, Mom baked a cake that looked like one of the Wonder Pets.  It was suppose to be a hamster, but when asked, everyone had a different opinion (dog, squirrel, bear, etc).  Oh well, it rocked all the same.

Click to see a few pictures of his first birthday party.  We should have some more available once I get a few from my parents.

Happy Birthday, Ethan

Ethan celebrated his first birthday today.  He's officially a one year old.  It's amazing that it has been a year since he was born.  He has gone from being worthless blob doing nothing but crying and crapping, to a highly energized blob running around crying and crapping.  I guess some things don't change.

Here's to you, kid.  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Cold Season is Upon Us.

Ethan had his share of colds during his first year, but he finally caught what is known as the common cold.  A raspy voice, stuffy nose, and runny snot all without having a clue how to use a Kleenex.  Darth Vader like sounds echo from his bedroom as he tries to sleep with a pacifier, and the occasional sneeze/nasal explosion that reminds me of a quote from Ghostbusters.  "He slimed me".  The poor kid is just exhausted. Mom has been rubbing his chest with Vicks and I hooked up the humidifier hoping it makes him feel better, but there is not much you can do other than wait. Hopefully he'll feel better by his birthday this weekend (another shameless plug).

I, on the other hand, am not sick.  I just look like hell because as my wife likes to say... "Brian, you struggle.".  Thanks Honey.  Love you too.


Apparently Iams Weight Control formulated for felines needs to be added to the grocery list.

And It Begins...

You remember those shoes we bought Ethan in late September... the ones I begged Christina not to buy because of their outrageous price tag and short life expectancy?  You remember!?  They're already too small for him to wear.  Except for a slightly chewed shoelace tip (Teething incident.  Appreciate it, son), they are in pristine shape.  

Wait...  What's that noise!?   Oh, that's my wallet crying.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rockin' His Winter Digs

Ethan didn't have any winter clothes.  We went out and got him everything... hat and gloves included.  He was oh so impressed.

What the... !?

Presents!? You got to be kidding me... What is going on?!  I don't remember eating a large bird smothered in gravy being accompaned by 9 hearty side items?  I don't remember feeling gross, posted up on my couch whinning about how bad I feel.  I don't remember spending quality time with my in-laws?  Wait... scratch that, maybe Christmas did come early.

This Sunday I FINALLY replaced the base boards in Ethan's room.  Christina decided to have Sherri over to help watch Ethan.  For a while, I didn't hear anything.  All of the sudden I started to hear Grinch music and the rustle of paper coming from the family room.  What the....!?

This is what I found.  How sad.  I blame WalMart for moving Christmas up 3 weeks to November 1st.  I guess as a country we have nothing to be thankful for, right...  How sad.  I for one do.  Ethan's birthday is less than a week away.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Trip to Grandma's House

A couple of weeks ago, Christina was trying to finish up his mural.  She needed one more good day, so I threw Ethan in the car and rode into Jackson to see Grandma and Grandpa Geibel.  Here are some pictures from our visit.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Walking across the floor... Check.

Standing up on your own, check.  It appears now that walking distances are not an issue anymore.  Also, it looks like he can stand up and roll when he feels like it.  Good times ahead.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

ARRR Matey

Ya be a son of a biscuit eater, ye scallywag!

It's done... FINALLY.  The mural Christina has been slaving over like a Pirate's wench for an entire week is done.  She did a heck of a job too.  I am very proud.  Hell, Michelangelo would be proud.  The only thing left to complete his room is to change out the ceiling fan and update the base boards (stuff I was suppose to finish).  Good times ahead.

Holy Sock Monkey!

For some reason, ever since Ethan was born, Christina has called him "Monkey-Butt".  Not sure why, but it stuck.  It was only fitting to put him in this costume for Halloween.