Sunday, January 11, 2009

Spoon Man!

Christina and I have been trying to get Ethan to use utensils.  So far, no good.  It's amazing how many things he can use a spoon for INSTEAD of an eating devise: a drum stick, a catapult, a pointer, a ear cleaner, a nose picker, an eye gouger, head scratcher, a pet projectile... even a mini hockey stick used to pass peas back and forth on his highchair tray (usually happens right before the spoon gets medieval and morphs into the capapult.).  Absolutely ridiculous.

Finally after a few weeks, Ethan started to figure the spoon out.  It also helps when you use mashed potatoes.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Mashed potatoes are great for adhearing peas, corn, and meat to any tricky utencil!