Sunday, September 21, 2008

Who had a better vacation?!

While his mom was becoming irrational due to hurricane Ike, and Dad had to pretty much take a weeks worth of horse laxative to push through an ungodly amount of endless cruise line buffet, Ethan spend a week at Grandma and Grandpa Geibel's house.  Based on these pictures, he had a MUCH better time.  As Bill Cosby used to say, "These aren't the same people I remember".

As a side note, I can't get over how much Ethan looks like Great Grandma Geibel.  Cracks me up!

Click here to see more pictures.


Anonymous said...

All I can say is...when are you going on another cruise so we can have Ethan again!

Elizabeth said...

Geeze, Brian! Didn't you bother to pack any pants for that kid?? ha ha

Looks like he had a grand time!

Dirtdartwife said...

Those are awesome pictures! He is SUCH a happy lookin' lad! So glad that you guys are back and safe. :) What a blessing to have Grandma and Grandpa able to take him for you and everyone just have such a great time!!