Sunday, December 14, 2008

In Case You Didn't Know...

Just sayin'

Photo-Op With Santa

Through a friend of ours, we were told that of all places, Bass Pro Shops had a pretty cool Santa workshop setup.  "You got to be kidding me", I thought.  "How red can this be!?".  "Is Santa chilling in a rocker on his make believe front porch with a 12 gauge waiting for Rudolph to get back from a smoke break 'cause he stole the last pouch of Santa's Red Man?"  

You know where I'm going.  Bottom-line, you don't expect a whole lot.

To be honest, it was pretty cool.  They had train sets running, games set up for kids, huge X-mas trees... the whole bit.  We got in line and waited for Ethan's first picture with Santa.  Right before it was our turn, Christina leaned over and told me not to act like an ass in the picture.  That's all I had to hear.

A couple of things to note in this picture.  Christina, the anal mom, looks pristine and happy because it's her baby's first Christmas picture with the jolly fat man.  My son, who is new to this whole experience, looks VERY concerned.  Even a little creeped out by the situation.  Finally, there's Pops... rockin' a 'burgh sweatshirt and throwin' some horns.  You gotta love this family.

Keebler Beware

Christina decided to make a few cookies this weekend for the holidays.  No wonder why a brother has packed on an extra 30lbs on his frame.  But they're sooooo good... and bite sized!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Let There Be Light!

This weekend I promised my wife I would put up some Christmas lights.  Unfortunately, I had to work majority of it at the office.  But this does not mean you can't at least try, right!

Within the darkness I was able to fumble around on a ladder with enough confidence not to break my neck... to my wife's dismay.  Christina was able to put up the tree and decorate it as if it was chillin' in the main lobby of a Macy's department store (more picture on that later this week).  You can definitely tell it's her favorite time of year.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Look Mom... No Hands!

Not a whole lot to say about this technique other than I'm jealous.  It reminds me of Hungry Hungry Hippos.

1st Birthday, Part II

Today was his true birthday.  It started with a stack of his favorite flapjacks made by Mom herself.  Then, it was to a ride in his car seat, facing forward.  That afternoon was a fun filled family shin-dig with a jumbo sighting of Curious George (thanks Aunt Susie!).  Finally, it ended with a sad young man passed out in his high chair as he tried to eat dinner.  Overall it was a great day.  He better not get use to this.

1st Birthday, Part I

Ethan had a treat on his birthday weekend.  On Saturday, my sister and her family were traveling from Texas back to their NC home and stopped in Jackson TN to see everyone.  So we threw Ethan in the back seat and headed up for a late Thanksgiving and an early birthday celebration.  It was a blast.  He was able to play with his Cunningham cousins for the first time.  We were concerned if Ethan was going to play nice, but he did a heck of a job.  Also, Mom baked a cake that looked like one of the Wonder Pets.  It was suppose to be a hamster, but when asked, everyone had a different opinion (dog, squirrel, bear, etc).  Oh well, it rocked all the same.

Click to see a few pictures of his first birthday party.  We should have some more available once I get a few from my parents.

Happy Birthday, Ethan

Ethan celebrated his first birthday today.  He's officially a one year old.  It's amazing that it has been a year since he was born.  He has gone from being worthless blob doing nothing but crying and crapping, to a highly energized blob running around crying and crapping.  I guess some things don't change.

Here's to you, kid.  Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Cold Season is Upon Us.

Ethan had his share of colds during his first year, but he finally caught what is known as the common cold.  A raspy voice, stuffy nose, and runny snot all without having a clue how to use a Kleenex.  Darth Vader like sounds echo from his bedroom as he tries to sleep with a pacifier, and the occasional sneeze/nasal explosion that reminds me of a quote from Ghostbusters.  "He slimed me".  The poor kid is just exhausted. Mom has been rubbing his chest with Vicks and I hooked up the humidifier hoping it makes him feel better, but there is not much you can do other than wait. Hopefully he'll feel better by his birthday this weekend (another shameless plug).

I, on the other hand, am not sick.  I just look like hell because as my wife likes to say... "Brian, you struggle.".  Thanks Honey.  Love you too.


Apparently Iams Weight Control formulated for felines needs to be added to the grocery list.

And It Begins...

You remember those shoes we bought Ethan in late September... the ones I begged Christina not to buy because of their outrageous price tag and short life expectancy?  You remember!?  They're already too small for him to wear.  Except for a slightly chewed shoelace tip (Teething incident.  Appreciate it, son), they are in pristine shape.  

Wait...  What's that noise!?   Oh, that's my wallet crying.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Rockin' His Winter Digs

Ethan didn't have any winter clothes.  We went out and got him everything... hat and gloves included.  He was oh so impressed.

What the... !?

Presents!? You got to be kidding me... What is going on?!  I don't remember eating a large bird smothered in gravy being accompaned by 9 hearty side items?  I don't remember feeling gross, posted up on my couch whinning about how bad I feel.  I don't remember spending quality time with my in-laws?  Wait... scratch that, maybe Christmas did come early.

This Sunday I FINALLY replaced the base boards in Ethan's room.  Christina decided to have Sherri over to help watch Ethan.  For a while, I didn't hear anything.  All of the sudden I started to hear Grinch music and the rustle of paper coming from the family room.  What the....!?

This is what I found.  How sad.  I blame WalMart for moving Christmas up 3 weeks to November 1st.  I guess as a country we have nothing to be thankful for, right...  How sad.  I for one do.  Ethan's birthday is less than a week away.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

A Trip to Grandma's House

A couple of weeks ago, Christina was trying to finish up his mural.  She needed one more good day, so I threw Ethan in the car and rode into Jackson to see Grandma and Grandpa Geibel.  Here are some pictures from our visit.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Walking across the floor... Check.

Standing up on your own, check.  It appears now that walking distances are not an issue anymore.  Also, it looks like he can stand up and roll when he feels like it.  Good times ahead.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

ARRR Matey

Ya be a son of a biscuit eater, ye scallywag!

It's done... FINALLY.  The mural Christina has been slaving over like a Pirate's wench for an entire week is done.  She did a heck of a job too.  I am very proud.  Hell, Michelangelo would be proud.  The only thing left to complete his room is to change out the ceiling fan and update the base boards (stuff I was suppose to finish).  Good times ahead.

Holy Sock Monkey!

For some reason, ever since Ethan was born, Christina has called him "Monkey-Butt".  Not sure why, but it stuck.  It was only fitting to put him in this costume for Halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Devil's Night...

May the bumps in the night grow louder and the wind outside becomes eerily quiet.  Someone is watching.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Now THIS is scary!

I can guarantee this is going to soil a lot of underwear this season!  BEWARE!!!!!  

Ryan, I took the liberty of including you in our Halloween, sir.  I hope you don't mind.  (FACT, I only used 2 kitchen knifes for this master piece.  I did it old school.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Another Quality HGTV Moment

I should have known... that is all I'm going to say.  I should have known.

Since April 10th, we have virtually done zero to our new house.  Sure, we put in a few lights, tossed some mulch around, even cut down a few trees, however, nothing substantial has been altered.  As my wife keeps reminding me "we have done nothing to make this house our own."   

Let the fun begin...

Ethan's birthday is almost 1 month away.  Apparently in the female handbook of child rearing, all things must be perfect in order to celebrate this once in a lifetime occasion.  This is especially true in the chapter, "Your Worthless Husband and Upgrading Your Child's Bedroom."  Rule number 1 states: A toddlers bedroom must be in tip top shape and have a theme completed BEFORE their first birthday.

It was quite obvious I was negligent of this book.  The first sign I noticed was when my wife raged for 2 weeks on how we needed to get ready for Ethan's birthday.  Then the frequent trips to Lowes ensued.  Finally, the unsolicited questions regarding colors and knick-knacks I liked for a boy's room.  Then I made two fatal mistakes:

1. I didn't share the same sense of urgency.  
2. I tried to be financially reasonable about it.  

Needless to say, the second was the most costly (in more ways than one).  Big mistake... Big.

Well, this weekend was the start of getting his room ready for November 30th.  We'll keep you posted on the progress, and the status of our marriage.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pearly Whites

Ethan now has 8 teeth... 4 on top and 4 on the bottom.  Since he is just about switched 100% to adult food, it was time to start brushing the enamels.  I was actually concerned at first.  I thought he would fight, cry, bitch and moan.  On the contrary, actually... he kind of enjoyed it.  Probably felt good on his gums.

P.S.  Please ignore his shirt.  It's TERRIBLE.  My son in a rainbow shirt... how sad.

Soap Box Walker

Ethan has been pushing around his Radio Flyer walker for over a month now.  I decided it was time to replace his stuffed animals with one little monkey and shove him up and down the hallway.  He LOVED it!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

One Small Step For Ethan

... one big problem for Mom and Dad.  That's right, he is starting to attempt to walk.  A couple of step here and there, but he is not afraid at all.  Matter of fact, he still has issues standing up on his own, but for some reason, trying to walk feels more comfortable to him.  Go figure...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Fire Starter... Wicked Fire Starter

It was another beautiful weekend for a fire.  Mid to upper 50's and a high pressure system, you simply can't beat it.  Usually we start the festivities after Ethan hits the sack, but this time we decided to light the fire beforehand.  This was about as close as he got, but I haven't seen the dude more concerned in my life.  It cracked me up.

Primal Instinct

Apparently cats aren't the only ones who bring back their catch to show their masters...

Stage 3 No More

Ethan seems to think anything he can't pick up on his own is food not worth eating.  He officially is no longer on stage 3 Gerber food.  Now he eats whatever Mom and Dad choke down their necks... and in this case, it was ravioli and veggies!

P.S.  His favorite food... Grilled Cheese!  It seems to run in the family, Elizabeth!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Ridin' Dirty

Christina found this sweet ride at Target some time ago.  It was suppose to be for his 1st birthday (shameless plug), but lately Ethan has been getting bored with his toys.  In the name of all things sane, I broke it out of storage and put it together.

He seems to enjoy bikes... like his Grandpa!

Afghan Apparition!

Ethan was getting grumpy as usually before dinner time.  I got irritated and tossed our afghan on his head.  He LOVED it, flapping his arms arond and making squeeling noises.  I looked underneath the afghan, and this is what I found.

The little dude was real pleased.

Sip on this...

Christina has been helping Ethan learn to use his sippy cup.  Up to this point, he has refused.  I can't tell you how many gallons of formula he has launched from his high chair, crying and fussing until he gets a bottle.

This Saturday we stopped to eat at a Mexican buffet (yes, I hurt myself badly).  Christina filled his sippy cup full of water, not expecting much.  All of a sudden he reached out and grabbed it like he had been doing it for years.  Amazing how quickly they learn, considering I still haven't learned put down the toilet seat.

What's up, Tom-Ass!?

Sorry... couldn't resist.  I found it chillin on Tom's farm.  Not sure why they crack me up.

Down On The Farm

Tom's Farm, that is...  Ethan, Christina and I strolled out to Tom's Farm this Saturday to grab a few bulbous, orange gourds to slice and dice.  As as as it was, it was the closest thing to a pumpkin patch Tennessee has to offer.  Ethan did manage to pick one out.  My mission is to carve it... somehow.  I better get out my Dremel.

Click here to view a few more pumpkin pictures.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Autumn is Back

My favorite time of year, by far.... Autumn.  Finally we get a break from the 105 degree, 97% humid days of summer.  Lately it has been in the upper 50's, low 60's at night; perfect for a fire.  So, when Ethan went to bed early after playing at the zoo all day, I fired up the outdoor fire pit.  Christina and I spent a few "quiet" hours outside listening to the wood crack and hiss.  We were able to chat without having the TV blaring or a phone ringing.  It was nice.  

Saturday at the Zoo

Since we are entering the 2 week period in which Memphis calls "Autumn", Christina and I decided it was a good time to take Ethan to the Memphis Zoo.  Although Ethan was more interested in the 2 legged creatures more than anything else, it was a good time.

Click here to see more pictures of our adventure at the Memphis Zoo.


As most of you know, I love cooking BBQ, especially pork shoulder.  Any chance I get, I fire up the side fire box and get my smoke on.  Last weekend a good friend of mine, Cody Fisher, asked me to grill up 150 lbs of shoulders for his horse show.  I jumped at the chance.

10 hours later and 200 people served, nothing remained but a few sad pieces of gristle and a spoonful of beans.  I'd say it was a job well done.

While cleaning up, I received one of the coolest compliments in a while.  A group of people walked up to me after the feeding frenzy subsided and said the previous night they went to Smokey Bones, one of the best BBQ joints around Memphis.  They said the Q I served was 10 times better, and they would recommend me to anyone.  Pleased... real pleased.

The only uncomfortable situation I ran into was when someone asked me what I was cooking, and I mentioned it was the horse who finished in last place overall, and I hope the meat wasn't too tough.  He was not impressed.


Tupper Be-Ware

Lovely... and it begins.  Ethan has learned that drawers open and cabinets hold treasures of unimaginable entertainment.  Looks like Pops is going to have to buy some safety clips.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Rockin' New Sneaks!

Ethan had started to explore his bipedal tendencies this weekend, so Christina and I decided it was time to get him his first pair of walking shoes.  We packed him up in the Ford Explorer El Camino and took a ride to Stride Rite.  

The only word I can say is ridiculous.  44 bucks for a pair of walking shoes!?  Are you kidding me here!?  These shoes are the size of large chicken eggs for crying out loud.  I have shoes in my closet that don't cost that much, and I wear size 13!  You can make 147 pair of his shoes out of one pair of mine, and still have enough material to make Ethan a t-shirt that reads, "My parents are dumb asses for buying me these shoes."  Anyway, I digress.

During this shopping experience, I tried to be rational... explaining to Christina that human beings have been learning to walk without footwear for about 2 million years now.  Considering we WALKED out of Africa to populate just about every continent, I'd say as a species we have mastered it.  Not to mention, why impede evolution?  Ethan's genes may hold the next big step in human mobility.  Why risk this for 44 bucks?  I also explained that about 85% of kids in the world today do not get a pair of shoes until they are at least in grade school, at the earliest.  "Shouldn't we teach our son that he is not better than anyone else?", I said.  The only response I got was a "hold my purse" while Christina thumbed through her wallet for our BoA debit card.   

Christina 1
Geibel 0

Oh hell, I have to admit, they are pimp.  At least he likes to show them off.  

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Walking Tall

I can't explain how many baby showers Christina had.  If she had 1, she had 10.  During the "family" baby shower, one of the first presents we opened was a Radio Flyer walker from my Grandma Geibel.  Sure it was cool... what kid doesn't remember having a wagon, but we had no clue what to do with this walker.  Soon after everyone left, I decided to restore some of my manhood (3 hours of baby gifts and emotional women will do this to you) and put the Flyer together.  I put it in Ethan's room and it quickly become a storage bin for his stuffed animals.

Yesterday Christina was cleaning Ethan's room and peered over and saw the animal covered Radio Flyer.  She noticed the handle and wondered was it was used for... and then it clicked.  Ever since, Ethan has been a man on the move.

Who had a better vacation?!

While his mom was becoming irrational due to hurricane Ike, and Dad had to pretty much take a weeks worth of horse laxative to push through an ungodly amount of endless cruise line buffet, Ethan spend a week at Grandma and Grandpa Geibel's house.  Based on these pictures, he had a MUCH better time.  As Bill Cosby used to say, "These aren't the same people I remember".

As a side note, I can't get over how much Ethan looks like Great Grandma Geibel.  Cracks me up!

Click here to see more pictures.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Three Hour Tour

Well, not really...  but we will be leaving on a boat for a good time! That's right, Christina and I along with a handful of friends (Michelle, Cody and Sherri) are traveling through the maze of hurricanes to Mexico for a five day cruise. Technically, it's our 5th year wedding anniversary. Last year we promised each other that we would get away and do something. I quickly booked this cruise so we would not change our minds. All of a sudden we looked at the calender and couldn't believe it was just around the corner. We can't wait, although Christina is starting to have separation issues with Ethan. It's to be expected.

Anyway, start looking for those pictures!

A Fairly Good Time

One of the neat things about living in Germantown, Tennesse is the annual Germantown fair.  Good times and good food, you just can't beat it.  This weekend with the weather in the low 80's, it was perfect.  As you can see below, Ethan was overwhelmed with excitement.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Bury Me Upside Down So The World Can...

Once again, my sister told me it would happen. Last night before I rolled into bed for my customary 4.5 hour slumber, I checked on Ethan to make sure all was well. As I peered over the crib, I noticed his butt was about 6 inches in the air. Good times! Not sure how comfortable this position can possibly be, but he was snoring like a 400 pound man with a serious case of Asthma. More power to ya, young man... more power to ya.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Grassy Knoll

Was there a second gunman up on the grassy knoll? God knows, but Ethan did experience his first venture on the grass. He really didn't know what to do. He felt around for a while just sitting in the same spot looking confused. Mom and Dad got a little concerned when the mosquitoes came out. Down South they are known to drain a medium sized dog in seconds. Ethan wouldn't stand a chance.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Last Man Standing

Another milestone has been reached. Ethan can now pull up onto anything 18 inches or less. Couches, coffee tables, side tables, parents laying on the floor trying to watch some preseason football; anything he can grab and pull up on, consider it done. The best part, once up he'll stand for a while and look around in amazement as if the whole world just changed. I think it has... for all three of us.

P.S. Can you tell it's getting close to football season? Just sayin'!

Gated Community

Possibly one of the greatest inventions for small toddlers. My only suggested improvement; a couple of small LED lights across the top railing that react to darkness. Rolling into the kitchen at 3am for a bottle only to get a hip level brake check is enough to crumble to the floor in the fetal position and wish for death...

Why Mom Shouldn't Go Away On Business

Christina went on a business trip last Sunday. It lasted three days, but if you ask Ethan, he would say a lifetime. I was simply playing hide and seek behind one of our recliners and rolled around the corner laughing like a villain.


Less than five seconds later I was dealing with an emotional wreck.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Basket Case

Mobile can't explain Ethan. No adjective can. It wasn't but 3 weeks ago that he could barley crawl. Now the dude is grease lighting on my hardwood floor. The only thing I wanted to do was fold some laundry and make myself a sandwich, and he wouldn't say put. I decided to improvise.

What do you want from me!?

Ethan Loves His MeMe

While Fred and I were slaving to install his new, ginormous LCD TV, Ethan spent his day getting spoiled by his MeMe. If you want to know what grandmothers are made of, look above. You just can't buy that attention.

(P.S. Hey Wanda, nice to see you're rockin' a headband!)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Equinsu Ocha!

"White Devil!!!"
Being an Ace Ventura fan... I couldn't resist. And as Christina would say, "BubbleBee Tuna, BubbleBee Tuna. Pardon me..."

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Dinosaur Bandelins Go Flat!

Face it.... our parents are getting old. With that, sometimes technology pass them by (Wanda loves her dial-up if that says anything). Most of the time this does not bother them at all. Watching BETA movies on their 1984 Zenith encased in fake maple cabinetry is considered Friday night entertainment, served with Jiffy Pop and all. Remote!? Pppsssstt... who needs a remote; just turn the metal knobs if you want to watch something different. Well, I guess the government issued warning of discontinuing analog TV was enough to scare them into the 21st century.

This weekend, life as my father-in-law knew it changed forever (with a little help from Ethan.)

Fred and Wanda decided to buy a TV. Not just any TV mind you, but a 46 inch Samsung LCD. To be honest, I'm a hair jealous. This piece of technology is teeming with everything modern... 1080P HD, 35000:1 ratio. It will order you a pizza if you so desire. Bottom-line, it's brilliant. We all should be so lucky.

The only thing unlucky... the 8 hours it took us to wire outlets and surround sound. It was well worth the effort, especially the free lunch and dinner.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

"I have a feelin'..."

Christina decided that it was time for dinner. She strolled into the kitchen to prepare a feast of epic proportion.

"Brian!!!", she announced as if I was mowing the lawn in gale force winds with my ipod volume on 'deafening'... "Make sure you watch Ethan for a second!!!!!"

"Sure", I mumbled.

I decided it was a great time to catch up on some work. I lumbered over to my trusty Gateway and fired it up.

"No time like the present to get caught up, right?", I thought.

Slaving in front of a hot oven, Christina inserted a cookie sheet chalked full of freshly selected Grade A corn dogs. She closed the oven door, gathered all of the plastic and the empty cardboard box and headed for the garbage can. As she went to throw everything away, she felt a strange sensation... almost like someone was watching her from a distance. After she threw the garbage away, she heard an eerie scratching sound coming from behind the fridge on the wall.

"What the..."

She looked down to see Ethan peering around the corner smiling ear to ear. Needless to say, Christina thought it was precious... after she made it quite clear that I was worthless.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Over the Hill and Through the Woods...

To Grandma's house we go! Ethan received a treat this weekend. While his parents stayed at home to slave in the Tennessee sun, Ethan spent a couple of quality days with his grandparents. From what Mom told me, he traveled well, ate well, and went to bed early (none of which he does when he is home). And of course, he smiled the whole time.